Monday, 16 November 2015

Backward Design: Step 2 and 3.

You are coming near the end of your RPAT for this class: the curriculum unit. The checklist for this task is on pages 145 -146. YOU WILL BE BRINGING YOUR WORK (at whatever stage) TO CLASS AT THE NEXT REGULAR CLASS. 

There are 2 steps left and they both need to be aligned with Step 1 and Step 2.  Alignment is one of the biggest requirements for assessment to be valid. (Don't forget that the principles of good assessment are validity, reliability, fairness and alignment - see pages 19 to 21 in the text. A good assessment will meet these principles.)

Step 2: A description of your RPAT can be found at pages 69 to71. You want your RPAT to be similar in nature to project-based learning - the culmination of an inquiry. In the RPAT, students must demonstrate the KDB of your KDB umbrella. Your checklist for the RPAT is on page 71. If you are wondering what a real life RPAT  looks like see  High Tech High  projects from K to 12.  Notice how those RPATS are connected to an Essential Question as your RPAT should connect to yours.

Remember that your RPAT need to be aligned with the KDB. 

The language in your RPAT  should be student friendly to engage students in the task. See pge 70 and page 136 for examples. 

You will need 2 assessment tools. One should be a rubric. See notes on page 83 to 87 for rubric principles. 

Step 3

Essential Questions Web - page 69 and 139. 

Choose ONE Essential Question to flesh out in a chart.

Create Daily instructional Assessment chart. with 3 columns (p. 74 and p. 140. 

Create Learning Goals and Success Criteria.

 Flesh out Activites with Embedded Assessments.  Label the Assessment as AoL, AfL or AaL. Add the expectations addressed and how this activity is connected to the KDB and the RPAT in the next columns.

Add 2 assessment tools. These can be embedded into the instruction See pages 78-82. 

All the above can be found in Chapter 3 or 5 of the text. Additional help is in the Class lecture powerpoints and samples in Sakai under resources. 

Everything needs to be connected to everything else. 

Good luck in your curriculum working night (to be held where you want and on your own time).